Firewall/VPN Performance | NSsp13700 |
Firewall inspection throughput¹ | 60 Gbps |
Threat prevention throughput² | 45.5 Gbps |
Application inspection throughput² | 57 Gbps |
IPS throughput² | 48 Gbps |
TLS/SSL inspection and
decryption throughput (DPI SSL)² |
16.5 Gbps |
VPN throughputᵌ | 29 Gbps |
Connections per second | 280.000 |
Maximum connections (SPI) | 25.000.000 |
Maximum connections (DPI) | 22.000.000 |
Maximum connections (DPI SSL) | 2.000.000 |
VPN | |
Site-to-Site VPN Tunnels | 12.000 |
IPSec VPN clients (Maximum) | 2.000 (6.000) |
SSL VPN licenses (Maximum) | 2 (3.000) |
¹Testing Methodologies: Maximum performance based on RFC 2544 (for firewall). Actual performance may vary depending on network conditions and activated services. | |
²Threat Prevention/GatewayAV/Anti-Spyware/IPS throughput measured using industry standard Keysight HTTP performance test tools. Testing done with multiple flows through multiple port pairs. Threat Prevention throughput measured with Gateway AV, Anti-Spyware, IPS and Application Control enabled | |
ᵌVPN throughput measured with UDP traffic using 1418 byte packet size AESGMAC16-256 Encryption adhering to RFC 2544. All specifications, features and availability are subject to change |
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